maandag 28 maart 2011

Making new plans

It's been quite a while since I last wrote here. And alot has happend.

My son and myself have moved into our new home. It's not 100% finished yet, but which house is?
I'm very happy with the way it's all looking. Love my bedroom, love my sons bedroom, love the carpet on the stairs, the brown colour on one of my walls, and my new settee. It's soooo comfy!!!
Even the cat loves the new settee

I light candles every night, and love coming home.
My Twilight shrine
I recently learned that my previous home will not be taken down for at least another year. A part of me felt sad hearing that. it menas I could've stayed another year in my home. But then who knows where I would've ended up. Now at least I got a lovely house in return.


 Unfortunately, our guinea pig died 10 days after we moved house. We gave him a beautiful final resting place in our back garden. So we had an empty guinea pig cage. I decided to turn it into a telly cabinet. So now my telly is on top of it, and my DVD player, stereo and stuff are inside it. It does need to be finished (painted) and the wires need to be moved out of sight. But at least it's looking more and more like the end result.

My sons and my bedroom are completely finished. The thirde bedroom, which will be turned into a library still has to be done. It's filled with boxes stuffed with CDs, DVDs and books. God, I have sooo many! Can't wait for it to be fully finished.

Luckily the weather has changed too. The sun has found our country again, and that's soooooo nice. I sure missed it. I've even been out and about with the kids from work. They loved it!

In a few weeks time, my amazing friend and her son are visiting us from the UK. I'm soooooo excited. It's been nearly a year since we all last saw eachother. I missed them sooo very much and can't wait for them to be here. Have so many amazing memories from the last we were all together.

George and Devon
Terri and me

So looking forward to making new memories. Show them my country, my life here. I have some nice ideas on where to take them.

Bring on April!!!!!!!!!!!!