woensdag 25 januari 2012

Off to a great start!

A new year has started and it's started very good so far.

On January 4th a friend of mine (who I hadn't seen for almost 2 years) drove to Belgium to see Bel Ami. One of 3 films Robert Pattinson has coming out this year. We had decided to make a day of it as we thought the coast city of Oostende would be quite nice to spend the day before going to see the film. We thought wrong. There was nothing to. No nice shopping centre or anything like that. So we picked a lovely little restaurant and sat there for hours catching up. It was really good chatting again after all this time.
Then we went to go and see the film. People asked me beforehand: isn't it a bit too much to go to another country, drive 2,5 to and 2,5 hours back for just a film? OMG I probably would've still done it if I had had to go there by foot. (Well, not really, but you know what I mean).
The film was everything I'd imagined, and then some!!!! Rob was absolutely stunning in it. And not just in how he looked. But his performance is amazing!!!! He nailed the part!!
My friend and I wrote a review of it. Send me a pm if you'd like to read it, as it's quite lenthgy.

Here are 2 pictures of Rob in the film

Half way through January (the weekend of the 13th to be exact), a dear friend of mine from Wales came over to visit me. It was really good spending some quality time together. Went to see Breaking Dawn part 1 (my 5th her 7th time). And as every other time, it was amazing. We chatted for hours and hours and also went out to dinner Saturday evening. It was sad to drive her back to the airport on Sunday evening. But we'll meet up very soon again. (sooner then we even thought we would)

I loved having Aly over and can't wait to spend more time with her!!

I've also finally been able to hang up some pictures on my wall. I plan to add more as time goes on but there's the first bunch.

And besides having my birthday next month (which I'm not paying any attention to), I have something more excited to look forward to.
Going to see Rob again!!!!!
I'm going to Berlin (yes, I know I said I'd never do Berlin again...but it's Rob...) to see him at the premiere of Bel Ami. It's at a festival. I booked my flight tonight and I'm soooooooooooooo excited! There's about 7 of us going, and it should be great fun!

Life is really good for me at the moment. I'm living my life to the fullest!!!