zondag 21 november 2010

Twilight Party

This weekend my best friend Liz organised a Twilight Party. I was sooo loking forward to it. Besides the 2 of us, her mum and another friend would be there. So much fun!

The weekend started out amazing. I went over to my friends house on Friday evening as we had a date with Harry Potter. The movie was amazing!! Sooo good! Loved it! It was also sad as one of the cutests characters dies. It was a bit odd seeing the Weasley twins on the big screen. We met them in October. They were very nice. And seeing them on the big screen, and hearing them talk was a bit weird.

After we got home, we chatted a little, spent some time online and decided to go to bed. We had a busy ahead of us the day after.
When we woke up, we got ready to go out. We met up with her mum at the trainstation in Rotterdam. We made our way to the next train station where we got off to go shopping at an amazing shop called Primark! We love that shop. Great clothes for even better prices!
People had warned me that it was always soooo busy at Saturdays. Sometimes people will actually have to wait outside because it's way too busy inside. But this Saturday was really good. it was busy, but not crowed. We could easily take our time, and look at everything.
I ended up buying some nice things for myself and my son.
After we walked around the shopping centre some more, we made our way home. There Karina joined us. And the party could officially start.
Liz had decorated her appartment really nice. All Twilighty.
decorations on the ceiling
The reason we got together
It began brilliant, as Karina had baked a chocolate cake. OMG!!! It was in the shape of a heart, and smelled delicious! She'd brought colouring and after mixing that with the icing, she also spread that over the cake. It seriously was the icing on the cake. It was absolutely amazing!!!! It tasted devine!!

It's the icing....
......on the cake

Attacking the cake

CAKE and drinks!!

We had moved a matrass to the livingroom. Liz's mum and Karina had made themselves comfy on there whilset Liz and I had made the settee our comfy zone!
Then we got settled to watch some amazing films. No guessing as to which films they were. The Twilight Saga!! We started off with Twilight. And no matter how many times I've seen that film now (and that's ALOT), it never fails to grab me. God, how I love that story!
Getting comfy
Edible art
After Twilight we moved on to New Moon. But soon after the film had started we got chatting. We pauzed the film and many subjects were discussed. 'Grown up' ones like giving birth and raising children. To bringing back memories from our high school years. We shared amazing and personal stories, and had a great laugh.
As time went on we realized how late it was getting. So Liz revealed a little surprise. She had Eclipse for us!!! OMG!!! I hadn't seen it since the last time we saw it in the theatres. So focussed on New Moon again, and enjoyed the rest of that. Then we put Eclipse on. It was sooooooo good to see.
Watching Eclipse
It was getting really late. Eclipse ended around 3.30am. By that time, Liz had nodded off a few times. The same goes for her mum, and I too realised I missed some parts of the film. Karina was fast asleep. The sweetheart.
Liz and I moved from the settee to the bedroom, where we went to sleep properly.

Till next time!

zondag 7 november 2010

Well, I've been quite busy today.
The cupboards in my house have been bugging me for a long time. I have wanted to clear them out for a long time. But just didn't get round to doing it. Or wasn't in the right mood. And I really have to be in the right mood.
Also, I have to move with a few months (maybe even weeks) time. And I don't wanna have to do it all at the same time. All the stuff that's in the cupboard I cleared out today, and just go into a box, and put right back in the cupboard in my new home.
I know what I'm like. I can get extremely stressed when I have to do stuff I find difficult. Especially when I'm on a time limit.
So I've started today and I plan to do all my cupboards before I have to move house.

                                                                  Our backroom

The reason I have to move is because they will be taking my house down. According to the housing company, my block of houses is too old, and not updated enough. That's according to the housing company. I had an expert in my house who had a look at the state of it. And he thinks the house looks great. Sure, it could use some work on the outside. But I had no damp spots anywhere. It's a very good, solid house.
Also, this house holds so many memories! It's my sons and my first house. OUR house!!! We lived with my parents for nearly 3 years after D was born. This is OUR house. OUR home. OUR safe haven. I'm glad that after we've moved no-one wil be living in OUR house those last few months it's up. It'll be weird and even sad when they take it down. Eventhough by then we'll have moved to a new house.
                                                                     our frontroom

Someone from the housing company recently visited me. They're gonna try to get us a house 3 streets from where we now live. Possibly even with a fireplace. I couldn't believe when she said that! I thought she was gonna real difficult as I have hardly done anything to get myself a new house.
She asked me some questions so she could make a strong case for me as to why I need to stay close by. Like I'm depending on my parents for looking after my son when I work. Plus, as he hasn't got his dad is his life, my dad is a massive role model to him. Also she mentioned my fireplace. She was really positive about trying to keep it. Her thoughts were like, if you can keep it to try to keep your energy bill down, we'll be sure that you can pay the rent. I liked that way of thinking LOL.

                                                                 our beloved fireplace

The possible new house is really nice. It's like 3 streets away. The most importand thing about it is that it's so close to where we live now. D gets to stay in his well known neighbourhood, close to his friends and my parents. I'm really happy about that.
The nice woman from the housing comapny said she couldn't promise me anything but she'd do the best she could. I must admit, I'm really positive about it. And to be really honest, I'm kinda already counting it. It would us having to move alot less stressfull, and painfull. It'll still be sad to leave this house behind, but at least I'm staying close by. And I will get a house and not an appartment.

                                                           My beloved pictures and books

I'm sooo in 2 minds about this moving house stuff. I look forward to the decorating. Buying new stuff. Paint, floor, wallpaper, everything. I sooooo want a new look. But I'd love to do that in this house. I love my house!
I dont want a new house. I love the neighbourhood I live in. Heck, I even like my neighbours. LOL I just want to redecorate. I'm tired of the colours I now have. Tired of the way the floor looks, the curtains, everything.
One of my faves places in the house
.                                                                  My precious pictures

If all goes well, I'll hear more next week. I'm actually getting a bit excited. I just want to have it all over and done with.
I'll keep you updated.

woensdag 3 november 2010


I know it might not be a subject everyone is interested about, but we can't help to be bump into one from time to time ;-)

Even if you don't like kids you can't deny every child is a miracle. Add 2 bits of 'nothing' together, and a new life is created.

Some babies are really living by the word 'miracle'.
Like the daughter of a close friend of mine. She was born with 24 weeks and 2 days! Yes, 24 weeks and 2 days! (A full term pregnancy is 40 weeks)
Here in The Netherlands a baby isn't called a 'baby' before the 24weeks and 6 days mark. Before that it's a fetes. Before that mark they usually don't even try to safe a baby after it's born. The change of the baby being severly disabled is so high. The actually prepared my friend that she would take home a dead baby. She and her husband didn't want their baby saved at all cost. They didn't think it would be fair to the child if it would be severly disabled. So they kinda left it to the doctors. They said that the baby needed to 'show' them that she wanted to fight. So after she was born, she breathed and tried to cry. That was the sign they needed, and they got into action.
To cut a very long story very short:
She weighed 650 grams (1.43 pounds) on the day she was born, July 26th. And when she came home on October 30th she weighed 2570 gram (5.67 pounds). And as far as they know, she's healthy.
I visited her at the hospital once and then I visited her today.
It was so good seeing my friend, her husband and now have their daughter home with their son. Their son is a 1 year old little lad, who hadn't seen his sister before she came home.
I'm soooo happy it all went well, in the end. I'm so proud of my friend, her husband and their baby. They've some incredible difficult weekd, but they pulled through. Together!
This little girl truely is a miracle.

It makes you think how lucky we really are when we do get healthy babies that are born after 40 weeks.
Every day thousands of babies are being born. And most have them have no problems at all. The lucky ones.

I work with babies 3 days a week. And they're precious. Every single one of them. I feel honoured I get to look after the most precious 'possession' these parents have. It's a blessing. I might not realise that when I'm cleaning up sick of the floor. But after that, I really do. 

By the way, the appointment at the hospital for my pacemaker went really well. It's doing its job.