woensdag 22 december 2010

Winter Wonderland

Well, it's properly Winter here in The Netherlands. With snow and everything.

I totally understand that snow isn't enjoyable for everyone. It's a nightmare for the elderly to make their way over the sidewalk.
But I personally love the stuff! It's a beautiful sight and it's great to play with and in.

They say we're getting more snow overnight and tomorrow. I'm already looking forward to it.
We'll be having a white Christmas. That will be amazing!

We'll be having a brunch at my parents house on Christmas Day. My sister, her husband and their baby will also be there.  After that Christmas will be all about my son and myself spending quality time together. We'll be playing board games, playing outside in the snow and watching films. I'm sooo excited about it all!

Just one more day of work tomorrow. Hopefully it will be a quiet day. Just relax and enjoy the Christmassy mood!!

Have a great Christmas everyone!!!!

I'm not cold, honestly!

Shopping with the sledge

Our street

Mum and son

Our local park

The windmill in our town

Again the park

Our house

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