vrijdag 8 april 2011

The Beauties in my life!

 The other day I was looking through all the pics I have on my laptop. I wanted to select a few to hang on my walls. But, God, I didn't realises I liked sooo many pictures. There were so many which I thought deserved a place on the walls in my livingroom or bedroom. I still haven't decided on the final few.

It did make me realise though how many beauties there are in my life. I've not realised it for a long time, but I'm really blessed with the most amazing people in my life.
I'll start with sharing with you the true beauties in my life.

This my bestie!!!! Liz has been my best friend for 18 years!! OMG that's a very long time!!! I love her so much. She's stuck by me in everything that's happend. And trust me, I have not made it easy for her. She probably knows me better then I know myself. Which is a very scary thought really.
She's a beauty on the inside and outside. She's sooo precious to me. I love her so much, and always will!!
We'll defenitely grow old together.


 Another best friend. This is an amazing woman named Terri. We've only known each other for 3 or 4 years. But in that time she's become a true friend. She's been there for me during my darkest times. And has shown me that I can really depend on her, for everything. The only problem is, we live in different countries. I'm here in The Nethies, and she lives in the UK. I hate it that we live so far apart. I miss her so very much! My son and I spent 9 days with her and her son last Summer! We had an incredible time! In 15 days time, they'll be coming over here. I'm sooooo excited! So looking forward to showing them more of my life. I can't imagine living without her.

Of course there's no Terri without George. He's an incrdible lad! So sweet and a great friend to my son. The lads get on like a house on fire and for me as a mum, that's very importand. It's so nice to see how the boys have grown. When Devon and I first went over to see Terri and George, Devon could barely communicate with George. Not that that stopped them having fun.  But you should see them now. They can have whole conversations in English! The lads share their birthday, but with George being a year older. So excited to ses them together again!


Here's a new friend. I've met Ursula only in October of last year, but that doesn't mean she isn't a special friend. As she has become just that. I'm so excited about the next few weeks and months where we'll see each other in London and Munich! It's gonna be amazing! I miss her, and can't wait to see what life has in store of us.

Of course there's also different kind of beauty. These people are beautiful on the inside and outside. When it comes to popstars, acteurs, and other famous people, it's somewhat different.
Some are beutiful on the outside, some are beautiful on the outside and inside. But of course you only kinda see what they want you to see. Well, for the biggest part anyway.
But I can be a bit naive like that. I wanna see the best in people. I totally get that my love for these people is true to me, but so unrealistic. I'm past the age where I seriously thought I would get with him. Now it's just a nice fantasy, to dream and drool over him.
I do say him, but should say them really.
This was my first true love. Well, to me anyway.
Mark Owen from Take That. I've loved this man for almost 18 years. He's still a beautiful person to me. On the inside and outside. I know he hasn't always behaved like I would have wanted him to (or his wife ;-) ), but that doesn't end my love for him. I'm glad he's doing well, with his mates, and that he's happy again.
My dream of meeting him has come true, several times. It's only shown me that he indeed is a sweetheart. Mark, I love you!! You were and will always be my first love!!!

Another gorgeous man has entered my life, and I've sure fallen head over heals for him.

His name is Robert Pattinson. You probably know him as the vampire Edward Cullen from The Twilight Saga. He's done loads more, and is doing so much more.
He's an incredible man. I've never met him (yet). But I won't give up. The premiere of his new fiml is only a few weeks away. I'm really hoping to get my chance there.
As far as I can tell, he's also gorgeous on the inside. Very genuine, honest, sincere and humble. He's British, which is a major plus. He's only young, so I'm sure life has loads more in store for him.
He's also quite abit younger then me. It's the first time I've fallen for a younger man. I usually like them a bit older. ;-)

Here's some more pictures of beautifal men. Mainly on the outside as most of them I don't on the inside (very well).
Charlie Bewley

Chris Meloni

Jackson Rathbone

Jude Law

Gary Barlow

Peter Facinelli

Kellan Lutz

I'm gonna end with the most amazing beauty in my life. My son Devon!!!

They seriously do not get any more beautiful then that!!!!!!

woensdag 6 april 2011

Home Town

I've lived in my home town all my life. And I still love living here.
It has all you need. A great, childfriendly area to live, shops on walking distance, plenty of schools nearby, quite a proper shopping centre on cycling distance, and the big city only a 20 minute tram ride away.

As all of you know, I recently moved house. Thank God, I moved within the same area. Only like 2 streets away. I wouldn't have settled for any other house anyway.

I had a friend come over from the UK once (with her 2 little girls). It was very odd to me. It's so weird that what's all so familiar to me is so new to them.
Like, there's a windmill in my town. It's been there as long as I can remember. It's so normal to me. When I was in school, we used to visit the windmill. It's an actual working windmill. I also used to buy my sardust for the guinea pigs there.
But when my friend was here, she looked at the windmill like she'd never seen one before. Taking pictures and all. I felt like a tourist in my own town.

I will have that feeling again, soon.
An extremely close friend of mine, and her dear son, will be visiting us in 2,5 weeks time. I'm getting more and more excited with each day. I'm looking forward to showing her the normal, daily things in my life. The shops, the shopping centre, the city, my work. Places that are so normal for me.

It really makes me see my town with different eyes. I notice shops I never really noticed before. Like shops or companies that you never go into. Like a place where you can have your stone graft ingraved. I never have been indisde, and as you don't use it, you kinda forget it's even there.
Now, I imagine walking around town, telling my friends about the shops. And when I pass store like that, it makes me realise I actually kinda forgot they were there at all.

I might go around town soon and take some pics to share with you.

There's only one reason why I'd be prepared to move away from here. Immagrating to another country. Then I'd gladly give up my town. If I can't go there, I'm not going anywhere. Jo and her son are staying put!!!