zondag 8 april 2012


I've always been quite a sporty person. I like to be active and as a youngster I've always been involved with sports.
I have 2 swimming diploma's, then I did 4 years of gymnastics and then 4 years of badminton.

Swimming is just part of your upbringing. Here in The Nethies it's rare for a person to not know how to swim. Most kids start lessons when they're 4 and get at least 2 diploma's A and B. But alot of parents will already take their babies to 'baby-swimming'. To make they're not afraid of the water when they start their lessons.

After I got my 2 diploma's I did gymnastics. I wasn't very flexible but I was very strong. I did enjoy it though and even entered in some competitions.
My fave form was the uneven bars. I really liked doing that.

Then I did badminton. I loved doing that!!!
With school we could try out a few sports and one of them was badminton. I really like it so I decided to go my local sports centre and I registered. I had so much fun. I met a girl there called Chantal and we became really close. We played at the same level and also did competitions together. I played singles, dubbles and mixed dubbles.
I had to give up as I tightened my left arm so much when I played (bare in mind that I'm right-handed) that I kept bruising it.

Lately I've been thinking of becoming more active. I don't have the perseverance to go to the gym myself. And no-one wanted to go with me. So I thought about picking badminton back up again. Again, I had no-one who wanted to join me. So I've decided to take up lessons. Do proper training. 
I went to the sports centre to have a look a few weeks ago. But the trainer wasn't there. So I went again last Friday.
I went to get some info and was asked to join them. So I went back home, changed and went back to the sports centre. Three men who were playing together asked me to join them. A little while later the trainer joined us. It turned out that there weren't as many people there for the training as normally because it was Good Friday. So we just played some sets. After every set mixing up with new partners. I hadn't forgotten how to play. I thought I had forgotten about how to keep score. But it turned out they'd changed the rules since the last time I played. I got the hang of it quite quickly again.

I had sooooo much fun!! Loved playing so much! I started playing around 9pm and didn't off the court untill 11.15pm. The people were really nice, made me feel very welcome and didn't play easy on me at all. Which I was glad about.
The trainer was happy with my level. He explained that normally they train some technics aswell and that they work really hard. The training is intense. I told him that that's exactly what I'm looking for. 
I'm excited to go again.

The downside?? For the past 2 days I've been in agony with muscle pain. It's really bad. My right arm, right shoulder (blade), both my legs and my lower back is killing me. Sitting down, getting up, walking (especially up and down the stairs) it's a nightmare. I hope I won't have that every week. My body had to use muscle it completely forgot it had.


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