vrijdag 1 juli 2011

hand written letters

These days making contact with new people, and staying in touch with those poeple isn't so difficult. You have Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, LiveJournal, MySpace, Interpals and all these other netwerk sites. Sharing stories, updates and pics is so easy. You can even do it with your phone.

I must admit, I too have registered to a few of those sites. And I really love it. It keeps me updated on everything I want to be kept updated on. And yes, I too am keeping in touch with people on those sites.
But for years I have loved the old fashioned way of keeping in touch. Hand written letters. And preferably long letters. I love writing and receiving long letters. I love coming home to find letters and little packages on my doormat.

I love the anticipation of coming home from work and walking up to my frontdoor to see what's waiting for me. I always feel a little sad and disappointed when I see the doormat empty. I'm not disappointed in my penpals, but in my postie. I want him to bring me something every day. And I don't mean bills or commercial stuff.
Finding the letters, rushing to open them and then sit down comfortable to take my time to read them. I also always take my time to reply. I can write 6 to 7 and sometimes even more page letters. At times, I just can't seem to stop. It's just so releiving to just let all your frustrations and life stories run out through a pen on paper.

 My penpals are very special to me. I love sitting down and putting my thoughts to paper.I used to keep a diary. In a way, my penpals are my diary now. It does take me sometime to put a face to the letters I receive and write. In the beginning it's difficult to amagine a person on the 'other end of the letters'. It's not 'just words', but it's difficult to imagine someone reading your letter, and replying to it. Like an actual person. Am I making any sence?
My penpals all live abroad. I love learning about their lives and habits. It's amazing how just writing letters to each other can turn into an amazing friendship. Eventhough I have had many more penpals in the past (over 40 in my teenage years), I lost touch with them, I still think about some of them ever now and then.
I love all my penpals. But there are 2 that are extra special to me. One in the UK and one in the USA. The one in the UK I have already met a few times. And even in 'real life' we get on great!
I'm dying to meet my friend in the USA. I'm hoping to see her somewhere within the next 2 years! She's amazing!!!

With my love for writing also comes my love for stationary. Pens, papers, note pads, stickers, decorative writing paper. I love it! When I go into a stationary shop, I'm like a kid a sweetshop. A kid at Christmas.
I love looking at it, touching it, buying it and using it!

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