vrijdag 26 augustus 2011


This morning I woke up to a thunderstorm going over my town.

I love thunderstorms!!!!!

I love the dark clouds, the thunder, the lightning, the rain. I truely love it. It makes me wanna sit on my lovely settee, watching a nice film, wrapped in a fleece blanket with the candles alight.

Thunder and heavy rain also holds alot of memories for me.
When I was young my parents took my sister and myself camping in Spain every other year. We went there for 3,5 weeks and I loved it!!!!
During those 3,5 weeks we had at least 1 heavy rain and thunder storm. And then the same routine evolved.

My sister and my mum inside the tent being a little scared. My dad and I used make a little ditch around our tent so the water could get away, instead of flooding our tent. Which has happend more then once. After we'd secured our tent we went over to our neighbours at the campsite and helpen them out. Also digging ditches and clearing their tent of water and lifting all their stuff.

I wish I could came in time and experience that all again.

dinsdag 16 augustus 2011

butterflies in my tummy

 Something has come over me lately....

something new.....

something beautiful.....

something scary......

something exciting......

dinsdag 2 augustus 2011

20 years later

Take That

 I do intend to write a full blog on these (originally 5) 4 men. They sure deserve it.
I've been a fan for over 18 years, so my obsession deserve a whole blog.

But I just had to do this quick one.
The first pic is TakeThats very first album cover.

The second pic is taken at their very last tour date of the Progress tour. Which was last Friday.

It isn't quite the same, but they tried LOL

It might be the last time they'll ever be on stage with the 5 of them.
Personally I would like it if they did some stuff together, every now and then. But no more tours. One was just enough thank you very much!!!


I've been living in the same town all my life. I have moved 3 times within that town. Twice within the same area.

It's not very likely that I'll move from my hometown (unless it's to my Home in the UK). I love it here! It's very close to the city and loads of schools and stuff for my son in the area. Also, my parents live just round the corner and I still depend heavily on them for taking care of my son when I'm away.

But things are changing.
I moved house a few months ago. The reason: because they're taking down the one I was living in.
It was build in the 1930s. The housingcompany decided that it was too outdated to even renovate. The house I moved to was luckier. They decided that was good enough to be renovated. Which is what they did about a year ago. Eventhough I'm happy in the house I'm living in, I'll be sad to see my old house go. I lived there for 7 years and 7 months. It's the first home my son remembers (he doesn't remember living with me at my parents house from his birth to when he was nearly 3). It's also been the first house of just the 2 of us.

My old house: the door next to the tree.

A part of my area has been been fenced off, ready to be taken down within the next few weeks. My old house and a few others will be taken down next year.

The other day I decided to have a walk in my area to take some pics. To remember what it looks like now. I don't wanna forget what it all looks like. I grew up here, played on these streets and walked on these pavements millions of times, to and from school.
And now they'll be taking down everything, and building all new stuff. Apparently they'll be building appartments for the elderly.

My old street