vrijdag 18 januari 2013

Goodbye 2012, Hello 2013

God, It's been ages since I last wrote. I keep telling myself that I need to blog more, and eventhough I really want to, I just never seem to do it. Part of it is being a bit lazy. The other part is that I never quite know what to write. I don't experience exciting things on a daily basis. And I'm always struggling for a subject.

Anyway, 2013 has begun. We're already halfway through the first month. The end of last year was absolutely amazing. Going to London for The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn part 2 premiere.
My friend and I queued for 4 full days and 3 nights. We were well prepared and I wasn't cold at all.

 The premier itself was amazing!!! I got to meet Tayler (an autograph and a good picture). I also met Kristen. This was my second time meeting her. She's gorgeous and soooo sweet. I got an autograph and picture from her too. I'm sooo happy with my pic. And I of course the reason why I went there in the first place, Rob. He was soooo stunning. He gets more beautiful every time I see him. I also got a picture and an autograph from him too. He was so sweet to everyone and really took his time. Well as taking your time goes when you're having to sign things and have your picture taken with thousands of people.

 The day after the premier some friends and myself went to The Twilight Saga marathon. Seeing all films back to back in the cinema was quite emotional. I realised that it must the last time I'd ever see the first 4 on the big screen. And I didn't get to see all of them. During the marathon we went to a gig by Marcus Foster. He was amazing!!! What a performance. He sounded amazing and the crowd loved him. After the show we spoke a little to him. He was very happy we'd come to see him perform. While we were standing outside we were joined by Sam Bradley. And he became one of my highlights of this trip. He'd said hi to all my friends before he looked at me, told me it was really nice to see me again, gave me a massive hug and asked me how I was doing. I just couldn't believe it. He recognized me from meeting me in October!! He asked my friend how her time in LA had been (she'd been there to see the Breaking Dawn part 2 world premier), I then told him about me queuing
at Leicester Square. He didn't think it was weird or stupid at all. He was so understanding.

After the Marcus and Sam we went back to The Twilight marathon. It was time for Breaking Dawn part 2. Describing that film is very difficult. I laughed alot, I cried, and I was shocked. Shocked till my very core. I just couldn't believe what I was seeing. And eventhough every fan outthere has already seen it, I still won't say why I was so shocked. ;-)
After the whole Twilight experience a friend took me to see The Killers live! OMG what an amazing gig that was. I'm so glad she took me to see them. Otherwise I would've missed out on a great gig!!

 After I got back home it wasn't long before I was going on another trip. This time I took my son with me. We flew to Newcastle on Boxing Day. There we stayed with a dear friend and her 3 amazing sons. We only stayed for 1 night before going on a roadtrip to Wales. There we spent 2 nights with another dear friend. In total there were 6 grown, mad women and my sweet son. Bless him.

 Us girls have all met because we're all Twilight/Rob Pattinson fans. So my dear son made us a Twilight quiz. It was fun and I felt really proud listening to him speak English to my friends.
After a mad couple of days, the 3 of us (my friend from Newcastle, my son and I) drove back to Newcastle where stayed another 2 nights. That was loads of fun. My son got a great with her kids. They had a great time playing on the XBox, as teenage lads do.

 On the last day of 2012 we had a tearful goodbye and flew back to Holland.

So far, I don't have any real plans for a new trip yet. I'm trying to save loads of money for some upcoming events in 2014. Unfortunately, saving money is not easy when you live in a country where the government is doing everything they can to make it harder for you to just make ends meet. I won't get too into it as I hardly understand it myself.

Let's just keep our fingers crossed that this will be a financial quiet year, with loads of extra money coming in.

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