zondag 14 oktober 2012

End of the year!

We're nearly halfway trough October. The end of of 2012 is getting closer and closer. I can almost feel Christmas. Time to thinks about pressies, the winter and maybe even New Years Resolutions.

I've begun putting the heating on and I've already felt like I'd never be warm again. Cold and me don't go together very well. So that's what I definitely do not look forward to this coming winter.

About 2 weeks ago I made (another) little trip to London. I went there to finally see the amazing Sam Bradley live!!! Again it was also a great opportunity to meet up with my dear friends. Sam was AMAZING!!!! He's got such an amazing voice. And he's not bad to look at either ;-) I was soooooo nervous about meeting him. But he calmed within seconds. What a sweet guy, and soooo easy to talk to. I love him even more now.


This weekend has been one with nothing but rain. A great reason to stay indoors. Nice and cosy. My dear son had a friend over. They watched 2 films and enjoyed themselves very much. I've been spending time online. Chatting and organising some stuff. I've booked my flight to London for the premier of the last Twilight film! I'm soooo excited!!!!

It's a great opportunity to be with my dear friends. We'll have sooo much fun. All I have to do now is pray that the rain will stay away. I'll do everything I can to shield myself from the cold. But rain, that's a serious problem!
So far I've been quite lucky with the queuing. I've never had rain...yet.
With Water for Elephants we stayed in a wind tunnel. Which was soooooo cold. But we survived!

Last year November it was really do-able. We had a hotel nearby where we went to change and freshen up. The night before the premier I went to the hotel, got a shower and changed into some fresh clothes. I was back in my sleeping bag around 10.30pm. I went to sleep and slept for over 6 hours straight. Brilliant!!! My friend had to wake me up to clear our stuff away.

This year I'm hoping for the same kind of weather. I did buy a nice tent for us to sleep in. But I doubt we'll be allowed to use it.

Then in December I'll be going to the UK again. This time with my son. We'll be flying to a friend in Newcastle. We'll stay there for a night. And then drive to Wales to stay a few days with another friend! There'll be quite a few girls coming and I'm sooo looking forward to it! Then my son, myself and our Newcastle friend will drive back to Newcastle where we'll stay for another night before flying back home. My son and I are soooo excited!!!!!! My friend in Newcastle has 3 sons. Two of them are in the same age group as my son. So I hope they'll get along.

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