woensdag 19 september 2012


Hiya all,

It's been almost 2 months since I last wrote. waaaay too long.

I never told you how Wales was. Well, there were loads of emotions in those 9 days. It was like a rollercoaster. From extreme highs to extreme lows. It was very surreal. I don't wanna go into it too much so let's just say I was glad I was with such an amazing friend those days. Could not have survived them had I been on my own.

Here are some pics of our good times:

                     Beautiful sights on our hike.




                                          Loved this sign!!!


                           Alton Towers!!!

                                       2 amazing friends!!

After returning from Wales it was back to work. And even more ups and downs.
At 32 my hormones are finally playing a part in my mood. And it's annoying as hell. Feeling down, depressed and lonely is a nightmare. Especially when you know there's no reason to feel this way.

I did go to London to see a film at an open air theatre with a dear friend. And that was amazing! My next trip is in 2 weeks time. Finally going to see Sam Bradley!!! I wanted to go and see him a few weeks ago but couldn't as the downside of being a single mum was needing a 'babysitter' and I didn't have one. But I'm going this time. it's all booked and sorted!!! Sooooo excited!!!
For those who don't know Sam..... He's an amazing singer/songwriter from the UK. I've been a fan for quite some time and now finally have the chance to see and meet him.

Here he is. Singing one of my fave songs.

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