donderdag 19 juli 2012

Preparing for Wales

Almost all the pressies have been bought and packed. Please keep your fingers crossed that my last order will arrive here in time tomorrow. All the sweets have been bought and packed. Clothes are washed and packed or back in the closet.
All my lists have been checked, and checked again. As we don't have to leave tomorrow till in the afternoon I need to keep myself busy. So my list of things to do tomorrow is waiting for me.
Vacuming, mopping, doing my nails, things like that. I need to keep myself busy till 3pm when it's finally time to leave.

My son and I have been waiting for this trip for a very long time.
This is quite what we had planned in the first place. We were supposed to stay with 2 friends. But because one of them changed their mind, we're now only staying with one. This was especially sad for my son. As with the other friend he also had a friend to entertain himself with. Not with the friend we're staying with now. But we both know we'll still have an amazing time.

The first weekend there is gonna be quite an experience. Probably more so for my son then for myself. It's gonna be 5 grown women (including myself) chatting and watching the most amazing man on Earth (besides my son of course ;-) ). That same poor son has to survive between us. Good luck to him. Thank God he's gonna have Saturday night as a 'mans night'. 

 Neither me or my son have ever spent that long a time in Wales, so we're planning on making the most of it. Going on walks and enjoying the countryside. We're also planning to go and see 1 or 2 films. Being

We've even been preparing by watching 'Batman begins' and 'The dark knight' the other day. Both really good films.
And we both love the Ice Age films as we have them all on DVD.

I've been to Wales once. It was a weekend last October and besides the inside of a house, an ice skating ring and a shop, I didn't see much. Doesn't mean much as I still had one of the best weekends of my life. ;-)

But as we're going 9 days this time, we're bound to see more.
I've been doing some reading on the Mold, Flintshire area and it sounds really nice.

I have no doubt that my son and I will have an amazing time there.
I'll tell you all about it. Maybe not everything as I'm sure that not everything that happens there will be suitable to be blogged about ;-) but you know what I mean. And I promise that I'll also post some pics. But like with the stories, not all pics will be suitable for blogging.
But enough will be left to be shared.

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