woensdag 27 oktober 2010

A new Chapter

My first blog. I won't bore you all with a formal introduction of who I am. You'll learn more about me along the way.

Today feels different. You know the feeling when you see, hear or read something and think YES! Like something has clicked for the first time. A life-changing moment. I think this is one of those days for me. It's a line that someone said to my best friend 1,5 week ago.
Alot has happend to me over the past year. I've had so many highs and even more lows. I've had the deepest lows I've had in years. I've lost precious people and gained even more precious people.
Only recently am I coming to terms with what's happend. It's like I've seen the light. But the light is like one of those dimmers. It's not turned up to its full potential yet. I feel very confident I can handle the bright light. But I'm also quite scared of how I'd actually react. I just wanna put all that shit of this year behind me. Get over stuff I need to get over, and fully embrace the great things that have happend this year!
I've gained one amazing new friend and will hopefully properly gain another one very soon.

I'm planning great things for the end of this year and next year. This kinds feels like a new beginning. I've turned the page to a new chapter. Which hopefully will give me more confidence and regain some trust in people. Cos that too has been damaged.
I know I still have a long way to go, but you gotta start some time and somewhere, right? This really feels like a new chapter. I feel things can change now. I have some new energy.
I'll change things in my life. Personally and at work. I've already made the first few steps at work, and it feels really good. I really hope I can keep it up.
I know I have the support around me. I just have to believe in myself a little more, and really need a little help from an outside person. Just hope that'll get going very soon.

Sorry for being very criptical, but I don't wanna put everything outthere in one go. Just bare with me.

Till next time!!!

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