vrijdag 28 januari 2011

The new house

Well, the big day finally arrived today. I got the keys to our new home.
It was all a bit weird, and surreal. But it's all happening now.

My dad had taken the day off today. He came with me to pick up the keys. Then we went to the new house, did some massurements, and went off to see whether they had some stuff at my dads work we could use for the house.
A family friend had phoned up and offered her help. So she came over we started to tare of the wallpaper. It went surprisingly well. Before we knew it, 3 bedrooms were all stripped from carpets and wallpapers. Then we started on the wallpaper in the livingroom.
In the meantime, my son had come home from school, changed into other clothes and joined us in the new house. He began taking down the build-in wardrobe in his new bedroom. He had so much fun!

Being in the new house is odd. I still can't believe I'll be living there in a few weeks time. I'm sure it'll all look great. The ideas are really taking shape. Eventhough it's still hard to picture it all in my head. I still have not decided on some things. I find it so hard to decide sometimes. About silly things. Like what do I want on the walls in my staircase? Never thought about it, but now I have to.

I'm hoping to be moved by March 1st. But I'm not gonna rush it. I need to stay relaxed. And so far that's going really well.

I took some pics:
Entering our new house as the official renter for the first time.

In the kitchen


My bedroom

My bedroom with 2 wardrobes. The right now has now been taken out.

My future libraby

View from my frontoom
view from my bedroom
view from my bedroom
Wardrobe in Devons bedroom
Devon taking down is wardrobe

The family friend removing wallpaper in Devons bedroom

vrijdag 21 januari 2011

Busy, busy, busy

Back in November I told you I have to move house. Well, I'm still living in my 'old' house. But not for long. I have a new house. I'll get the keys next Friday. It's been a very difficult, bumpy road. I've been having soooo many problems with the Housing Company. This person tells me this thing, and a collegue of theirs tells me something different. They've made me promises they didn't keep. I've had so many arguments with them. I have decided that, once I have the keys in hand, I will file an official complaint about the way they've dealt with my move. It's not to attack anyone but to hopefully make sure this doesn't happen again.

The Housing Company gave me 3 houses to look at and after a long and difficult day and night I choose one house. I'm really happy with my choice. It's a lovely house. And it's only 2 streets away from where I live now. I'm really happy about that. My son get to keep his friends closeby, his grandparents closeby, and same distance from school and my work. So eventhough neither of us want to move, we got a nice new house to start making new memories.

Of course the house needs some work.
My dad will build a mantelpiece in my new house so I can take my fireplace with me. The house has a chimney from the bedrooms to the roof. So we'll have to open the ceiling to the first floor and add more chimney in the livingroom to go on the mantelpiece. It's gonna be a big project, but I'm getting more and more excited.
It took some time for the ideas to really take shape but it's all happening now.

There's sooo much stuff to think about.






 I haven't bought anything yet, as I still don't have the key and will need to know the exact size of the rooms before I can buy flooring, wallpaper and stuff.
I'm almost done with deciding with what I want in my bedroom. I have pretty good ideas on what I want in my sons room. I just have to show him and just hope he;ll like my idea and mix them with his own ideas.
I'm also having more ideas on the livingroom, kitchen and hall. It's all quite stressfull but I'm coping very well.

Well, I'll keep you all updated on the new house!

zondag 9 januari 2011

So far so good

Well, the New Year has gone off to a pretty good start.
I've made some New Years resolutions. I'm not gonna tell you what they are as I'm scared I won't keep them.
But, so far it's going really well.

I've done alot of things over the past few days. Made quite some phonecalls (some had to be done quite some time ago). I hate phoning people, companies. I just don't do well on the phone. It's like small fobia. It's very annoying and I've working very hard to break that cycle. Making all thos phonecalls yesterday was very difficult. But I'm very proud of myself. I did make the calls, and even got the resut I was after from some of them.

Next week a new chapter of my life will begin. I've been dealing with some isssues for quite some time now, and I've been wanting to do something about for a very long time. I tried several things, but none of them seemed to be the right way for me. Hopefully I have now find the thing that'll help me. I'm extremely nervous to start this new adventure. But I know it has to be done, and I do wanna do it. I'm sorry it's all cryptic but I can't tell you any more...yet....

I've also had some more news on a possible new house. I'll probably know more next Friday. The housing company will phone me then. I can't wait. It's about time. I've been waiting for a very long time. It's very likely I get a house in the street I want. But not long ago it looked like I was gonna miss out on the house they'd promissed me. I was so mad, and demanded a meeting with them. But before that could happen, they told me I'll defenitley get a house in the street I want.
It does mean now I seriously have to start sorting out my stuff. My loft is gonna a massive loft project. I'm not looking forward to it. But I do wanna start very soon.
I'll keep you updated.

Hope your New Year is going well aswell.