zondag 9 januari 2011

So far so good

Well, the New Year has gone off to a pretty good start.
I've made some New Years resolutions. I'm not gonna tell you what they are as I'm scared I won't keep them.
But, so far it's going really well.

I've done alot of things over the past few days. Made quite some phonecalls (some had to be done quite some time ago). I hate phoning people, companies. I just don't do well on the phone. It's like small fobia. It's very annoying and I've working very hard to break that cycle. Making all thos phonecalls yesterday was very difficult. But I'm very proud of myself. I did make the calls, and even got the resut I was after from some of them.

Next week a new chapter of my life will begin. I've been dealing with some isssues for quite some time now, and I've been wanting to do something about for a very long time. I tried several things, but none of them seemed to be the right way for me. Hopefully I have now find the thing that'll help me. I'm extremely nervous to start this new adventure. But I know it has to be done, and I do wanna do it. I'm sorry it's all cryptic but I can't tell you any more...yet....

I've also had some more news on a possible new house. I'll probably know more next Friday. The housing company will phone me then. I can't wait. It's about time. I've been waiting for a very long time. It's very likely I get a house in the street I want. But not long ago it looked like I was gonna miss out on the house they'd promissed me. I was so mad, and demanded a meeting with them. But before that could happen, they told me I'll defenitley get a house in the street I want.
It does mean now I seriously have to start sorting out my stuff. My loft is gonna a massive loft project. I'm not looking forward to it. But I do wanna start very soon.
I'll keep you updated.

Hope your New Year is going well aswell.

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