vrijdag 29 juni 2012

'Old' friends

Things happen in life.
You make friends, you lose friends.

In the past, I've lost some amazing friends. People always say that when the friendship ends, they never were your real friends to begin with. I won't deny I haven't said that in past myself. But I've learned over the years that isn't always the case.
I've lost touch with some amazing people, who were true friends at the time.

You deal with these things. You learn to live without those people in your life. It might be very hard, but you move on.
But what I have found that those people will still be in your heart. They might be given a different place there, but you still think of them every now and then. At least, that's what I've found. You still have the amazing memories you made together. And those will stay with you forever.

Of the people I've lost touch with there's one person you I could never forget about.
For a long time I was fine with not being in touch with her. I had some seriously changing to do and I had the opportunity and the strength to do so.
This woman wasn't doing too well when we lost touch. And I always wondered how she was. What happened to her, and whether she made a full recovery.
I discovered she had a Facebook account. I visited her profile every now and then until I'd build enough strength to send her a message.
I truly had no idea what I wanted to achieve with that message. But I had enough peace with myself and her that if she wouldn't wanna talk to me, I'd be fine with it.
But I was extremely happy when I got a message back. We were open and honest with each other from day 1. It was amazing. We've been messaging, texting and phoning each other for over a year and last night was when we met up again. I was willing to meet up with her sooner. But she needed some more time. And in hindsight I'm glad she needed that time. This past year has been great to get to know each other all over again. Find out how we've both changed and what part of ourselves has remained the same.

Yesterday at work I was really nervous. But good nervous. My colleague described it as 'I'm-getting-a-new-bike-nervous'. And that was exactly how it felt.
She looks amazing and giving her a massive hug was what I needed. After not seeing her for 3 years it was so good to hold her again.
We had a drink, wondered around in some shops. But soon settled on a terrace with a drink again. We had so much to talk about. Reliving some old memories, but mainly talking about ourselves. What we've both been through in the past 3 years and what growth we've experienced.

It's not picking up where we left off 3 years ago. It was still very familiar, but also so very new. We're 2 different people. We still have that same pull we have towards each other that made us become friends in the first place. But because we're both so different now we are entering this new-found friendship on a whole different level. And it's so much more enjoyable. For me anyway. I can't speak for her ;-)
I have no doubt that this is the beginning a very long friendship. Like a part 2 of our friendship. Take That (the band that brought us together) had a part 2, and so are we.

maandag 25 juni 2012

The scarey things in life

Sometimes life throws scary things your way. Scary good or scary bad.
And they are thrown at you to test you. Test you how strong you are, how much willpower you have, how much you really want to make those changes you say you want to make.

These scary things can teach you alot. That you're not as strong as you thought you were in part. But that's you're much stronger, and have grown alot more then you thought in other parts.

I had a scary 'bad' experience today. It did teach me that I'd grown alot more then I thought I had. As I did make a right decision. Eventhough I'd walking around with it for a week.
But it also taught me I had to learn more, gain more self confidence in another part. But I am OK with that. Well, kinda. I did wish I had taken a different path earlier on but that can't be changed anymore. And I'm going to dwell on that. Shows how much I've grown in the dwelling part.

I used to dwell on things FOREVER! Not anymore :-)

On Thursday a scary good thing is going to happen. I'm meeting up with an 'old' friend. We haven't seen each other for a few years. We've been in touch for a little over a year now. And it's been soooooo good. So familiar, but also so new. We've both been through alot. Both changed alot. And it's been so good to get to know each other all over again.

So eventhough I'm really excited about this, I'm also nervous and even a little scared. But in a good way. Healthy nervous and healthy scared. Luckily, I'm more looking forward to it, being excited about it then feeling scared. Because, had it been the other way around I would've probable cancelled. And there's no way in hell I'm going to do that!

zondag 24 juni 2012

Me, myself and I

Yesterday I had a ME-day. An extremely good ME-day.

There were 2 films in the theatre that I hadn't seen and still wanted to see. Plus 'Cosmopolis' was also still showing and I couldn't resist seeing that one too. So, I decided to do all 3 of them in one day.

After dropping my dear son off at my parents house, I made my way to the theatre for film no.1:

'On the road'

I've not read the book (would love to do now though) and I had no idea what to expect. I must admit, the only reason I wanted to see it was because Kristen Stewart is in it. Which is a good thing in hindsight. If she hadn't been in it, I would've missed out on an amazing film. Eventhough Kristens part wasn't as big as I thought it was, she still put on a hell of a performance. The film was amazing. I felt like it went on and on. But in a good way. It was intense and I truly loved it. Would so go and see it again.

Not only Kristen was amazing, I loved Sam Riley and Tom Sturridge's performances too. Sam Riley's voice is really good to listen to. Very calming.

After leaving the theatre I did a little bit of shopping. I'd brought my book but didn't bring any writing material (I 'forgot' it so I could have an excuse to buy some new things). After getting a new notebook and some pens I realised I needed to hurry back for my second film of the day.

'Snow White and the Huntsman'

There's no way to compare the 2 films. Again, it's Kristen film. But even if she wasn't in it, I still would've gone and see the film. It was an action-filled blockbuster. Again, Kristen was amazing. She had a leadrole and she made it her own. Loved her English accent. I was imagining Rob making a fool outof her, and then practising with her. Bless them.
I also thought Charlize Theron was absolutely amazing. Her performance was incredible. What an actress.

And there were some really funny bits in too. The dwarfs were very 'cute' (in their own little way ;-) )

After Snow White I had some hours to kill. So I went shopping. First stop was the secondhand bookstore. I looked around for quite some time but couldn't really find what I was looking for. So I then made my way to H&M. Spent some time in there aswell. Found some nice bargains in there. I found a shirt I'd been looking for for quite some time. I wanted to have it in 2 colours but wasn't sure whether I'd do it. I promised myself that if I started to go running again (haven't been running since my damaged eye 2 weeks ago), I could have both shirts. So I'd wear one when I went running.
I went to pay for my items. The 2 shirts I had doubts about were the last items the friendly girl behind the counter was going to scan. She scanned the first one, then the second one. But the second one didn't scan properly. Then the girl next to her at another counter asked her a question. When she moved her attention back to me she told me what I had to pay. I realised she never rescanned that second shirt. I quickly paid and left the shop.
Outside I checked the receipt and I was right. There were 5 items on the receipt, and 6 in my bag. So the shirt I was having doubts about, was 'given' to me for free. I was very happy.

I made my way to MacDonald's and got myself something to eat.
I found a nice place and relaxed. I ate my food and got out my book. In the next 3,5 hours I read and wrote loads. I loved it. My book ( 'I heart Hollywood' ) is an easy and fluffy read. And I loved putting some thoughts to paper. (More about that in another post)
I enjoyed myself by watching the people around me. It inspired me to write more. I was so at ease with myself, the world, my life. I felt a peace inside me.

At around 9.30pm I made my way to the theatre for the third and last time that day.


I've seen that film 3 times now and it gets better and better every time I see it. It was shown in quite a small theatre. But I was pleased to see it was just about sold out. Unfortunately over 20 people had left before the film finished. It's such a shame. they missed out on some amazing scenes.
There was an elderly couple sitting next to me. They too decided to leave. But they decided that during THE most 'interesting' scene of the whole film. I was so annoyed!
What I did love was the man sitting 2 rows infront of me. He was there with another man and a woman. That man got the film! He laughed at the right moments and really seemed to enjoy the film. And eventhough I have absolutely nothing to do with the making of this film, I felt so incredibly proud.

On way out after the film had finished, there was a guy and 2 girls (just a little younger then I am) walking infront of me. One of the women was asking her friends whether she was the only not culturally-minded, as she had no idea what the film was about. I just smiled and told her she was (didn't tell her outloud though).
I walked past them and that's when I heard the guy say 'that Robert Pattinson is the shittiest actor ever'. Well, of course I couldn't NOT say anything. I had to say something. Couldn't let someone talk that way about 'my man'. I turned round and said 'well, that's just a matter of opinion, isn't it?' He said it were only girls who'd disagree with him. I told him 'no. that would be the film experts'. And walked away.

I got the tram home, picked up my son, spend 2 minutes online and went to bed. Feeling very satisfied, happy and content. Life is good!

vrijdag 22 juni 2012


I love books.

It's that simple. I love to read. I'm a real bookworm. I don't read as much as I'd like to. Due to lack of time and lack of concentration (that's for a whole other blog).
Over the past few weeks I've been buying quite some books. I get most of them secondhand on Amazon and I always go for a good bargain.

I read all kinds of books. I don't really have a fave genre. I never really liked fantasy stuff. But I love the Harry Potter books and am addicted to The Twilight Saga.

I buy books that people recommend to me. I hardly ever read the plot, I just get them. Trusting peoples judgement, and that they know what I like.

At the moment I'm reading a book called 'I heart New York'. It was recommended to by a friend, and I'm glad she did. It's such a lovely book and I can't wait to read the rest of them. There's 6 books in the serie. So I'm gonna be busy with that one for a while.

I also buy books that Rob (Pattinson) has read, mentioned or will do a film adaptation of. It may sound obsessed but there's a good side to it. It means I'm reading books that I normally would never have read. Rob usually reads books that are a bit outthere. But I do love most of them!

In films you always see these massive libraries in peoples houses. I wanted to have something similar. So My dear dad made all these shelves in my spare room and I've put all my books (CDs and DVDs aswell) on them. It's a nice sight. And I keep adding and adding.....

maandag 11 juni 2012

More amazing memories!

Wow, it's been ages since I last wrote here. I really need to do it more often. Even if it's just a little message.

Alot has happened over the past weeks. Some amazing things and some not so good things.
I'm doing very well at not getting too upset about all the negativity so I'm not gonna talk about the not so good things that have happened. Plus, it's waaaaaaay more fun talking about the good stuff!

  • Due to certain circumstances (some of the not do good stuff) I was forced to change the plans for my Summer vacation. Instead of going to Wales for a weekend and a week to England, my son and I will now be staying the full 9 days in Wales. Soooo excited!!!!!!
  • The European Championship has begun. I love footie!! Eventhough I don't follow any teams, my son and I go full on when our country plays.

  •  I've finally found my reading mojo again. I just couldn't concentrate on any story for quite some time. But I'm back on track now. At the moment I'm reading the last part of the Fifty Shades. I can so recommend them ;-) And after I've finished I've got about 6 other books waiting for me
  • But the biggest highlight by far these past few weeks has been my trip to Portugal to see Rob Pattinson at the premiere of his latest film Cosmopolis. 
I'd been excited for such a long time about this trip. I was finally going to see my 2 amazing friends again (unfortunately due to some more of the not so good stuff, one of them couldn't make it in the end). I was also excited about going to Portugal as I'd never been there before.We went to 2 different places in Portugal. Rob was supposed to be at both events. But we found out on the day that Robs appearance had been cancelled from the first one. We decided to make the best of it and did the touristy thing. It was amazing!  We laughed sooo much and climbed a castle inbetween.

We had some lunch and decided to go to Lisbon. It was a long but fun drive. My 2 friends in the front ( I had my reasons why I wanted to sit in the back ;-) ) are both Austrian and by the time we arrived in Lisbon I was fluent in Austrian. Well, understanding alot better anyway ;-)

Lisbon was a great city. We went out to dinner in the evening. The next morning we made our way to the venue. Nice and early. They didn't wait long with setting up the red carpet. That's when I got my change: This was the first time I'd ever queue for something Rob related in the sunshine. And I was determent to make the most of it. So I found a new use for the red carpet:

This trip has been a true adventure! I got to experience things that I'll never EVER experience again. I got to be at the press conference!!!! I was sitting just a few metres away from Rob for half an hour! I was totally memorized! It was outof this world!

On this trip I also gained a new friend! An amazing person who is just as crazy as we are and fits in great in our little group.

 This was a trip to never forget!!!

In less then 4 weeks time Summervacation will start. It's gonna be loads of fun! All we need is some great sunny weather!!!!!

Untill next time!