maandag 25 juni 2012

The scarey things in life

Sometimes life throws scary things your way. Scary good or scary bad.
And they are thrown at you to test you. Test you how strong you are, how much willpower you have, how much you really want to make those changes you say you want to make.

These scary things can teach you alot. That you're not as strong as you thought you were in part. But that's you're much stronger, and have grown alot more then you thought in other parts.

I had a scary 'bad' experience today. It did teach me that I'd grown alot more then I thought I had. As I did make a right decision. Eventhough I'd walking around with it for a week.
But it also taught me I had to learn more, gain more self confidence in another part. But I am OK with that. Well, kinda. I did wish I had taken a different path earlier on but that can't be changed anymore. And I'm going to dwell on that. Shows how much I've grown in the dwelling part.

I used to dwell on things FOREVER! Not anymore :-)

On Thursday a scary good thing is going to happen. I'm meeting up with an 'old' friend. We haven't seen each other for a few years. We've been in touch for a little over a year now. And it's been soooooo good. So familiar, but also so new. We've both been through alot. Both changed alot. And it's been so good to get to know each other all over again.

So eventhough I'm really excited about this, I'm also nervous and even a little scared. But in a good way. Healthy nervous and healthy scared. Luckily, I'm more looking forward to it, being excited about it then feeling scared. Because, had it been the other way around I would've probable cancelled. And there's no way in hell I'm going to do that!

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